(620) 767-5416
106 East Main Street
Council Grove, KS  66846


412 Youth Ministry


“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young,

       but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity." 
 1 Timothy 4:12



 412 is a dynamic Youth Discipleship Ministry that challenges young men and women in grades 7 - 12 to come to KNOW, LOVE, and SERVE the Lord Jesus Christ. 412 is a joint effort of Council Grove Christian Church and the Community Christian Church. 


Our Yourth Discipleship Pastor is Callahan McIver.  Callahan and his wife Melinda are assisted by adult leaders from both congregations.


Focus of 412:

Develop and live out a Christ-honoring life through:

Bible Study -- Actively studying God's Word and putting truth into action in our lives.

Fellowship -- Regularly participating in meetings and events that provide godly fellowship and fun with other believers.

Service --  Learning new skills so we can serve others through being "Leaders-in-training" in various ministries and through mission trips and service projects.