(620) 767-5416
106 East Main Street
Council Grove, KS  66846
Special Events
Summer Sunday School Classes
- Children through 6 years of age will meet in Miss Pat's SS room.
-Kim's, Rick's and Callahan's classes will combine in the Youth Room upstairs. Families are welcome, but the regular adult classes will continue to meet.
-Check out the white board in front of the library for details on all the classes. Make Sunday School a part of your Sunday worship!

CPR & First Aid
This training will be here at the church on Saturday August 17th. Classes will be offered in the morning and afternoon, so you can choose the session that fits your schedule. The morning class begins at 8:30 and will finish by noon. The afternoon class will start at 1:00. The cost is $65 per person, and class size will be limited to 9. Payment is required by Sunday, August 11th. Talk to Leigh Johnson for further information and sign up on the sheet in the foyer to indicate which session you want to attend.

Third Thursday
Third Thursday is this week at 6pm. The menu for the meal will feature German food. This is a fun way to sample foods from different cultures while enjoying the opportunity to get better acquainted with members of our church family. Put the date on your calendar and plan to come for an evening of good food and fellowship.

Best Choice
We started saving the Best Choice UPC symbols in 2001. By the end of last year, we had earned $5,880! If you haven't been saving the UPC symbols on your Best Choice products, please start! They do not have to be neatly trimmed and counted - just tear them off and turn them in periodically. Thanks for helping us earn "free" money!

Ladies' Coffee
The next 2024 ladies' coffee will be on Saturday, Aug 3rd, at 10:00 AM, at Watts Coffee. This is a great opportunity to get to know your sisters in Christ a little better- we've learned some interesting things about one another! Plan to come and enjoy the fellowship -even if you aren't a coffee drinker.

Moms Of Littles
Moms, plan to come June 7th at 9am Friday and spend time together while your children are cared for and enjoying some fun activities. What a great opportunity to share with other moms walking a similar path!
Prayer Time 
Prayer is always important, but right now our nation is in the midst of unprecedented times. We will gather at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, July 16th and July 30th, to pray for our leaders, our country, revival in our nation and other important issues. Please invite your friends and neighbors to come with you and join us in prayer!

Our Mission Partners: King Solomon
King Solomon is a Christian Camp, located near the town of Solomon. A former CGCC pastor, David Brundage, and his wife Cathy are the resident caretakers, camp leaders, and hosts to the other events that take place there throughout the year. The camp sessions are over for this summer, but you might be thinking about your child(ren) attending next summer. It is a great experience, giving them the opportunity to meet kids from other towns, hear Biblical teachings geared to their age group, and enjoy recreational activities. Pray for the Brundages as they continue to serve in this important ministry.